Five Days Till Showtime
Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 01:27AM
Owen Long


The photos are at the framer. He'll have them for me on Saturday, but probably not in time to get them to the school. The photos will get hung on Monday. ( Eighteen mostly black and white images, about four too many to fit the space available, but this will give me options.) 


I have a ride in to school Saturday, since the 50" plasma TV won't fit in my car.  (Thanks Traci) The TV is for a slide show of the many kinds of photographs I've taken. Landscapes, portraits, events, snapshots, etc.  The TV has a USB slot, so I can insert a thumb drive with photos and the TV does a wonderful job displaying the images. It's nice to see the photos large. While some photos are good, or even better, small, many of these images are much more interesting large. They capture whole environments of detail, and this detail gets lost when the image is small. Seeing the images this large reminds me of why I took the photo in the first place. 


There will also be two iMacs with slide shows. One showing Spence photos I've taken over the years, and one showing more recent digital photographs. (Or I might mix them all together, it all depends on how many images I have ready by Monday.) 


I can also setup the Viewer Interaction Wall.

The Viewer Interaction Wall will have 20 to 25 photos that are to be rearranged as the viewer sees fit, favorite image in the upper left corner, least favorite in the bottom right corner. The in-between images should be adjusted similarly. The photo that stays in the upper left the most for a week will be moved to a place of honor. (Said place of honor to be determined.) Next week a new set of images will be available for re-arrangement. Repeat weekly till show over.  

I need to find a good clip that I can screw to the wall, and will make it easy for viewers to release and re-clip the photos. Note to self: Stop at Staples.
How do I educate the viewers that I want them to rearrange the photographs on the Interaction Wall

I pick up the postcards this morning. (I hope they come out OK.)

Here's one image that might or might not make it into the show. ( I wasn't going to frame it, but the print has a depth to it that made it stand really stand out.)

Article originally appeared on Years and Years of Photographs (
See website for complete article licensing information.