I wear a 99% pin on my coat, and several times a week get asked what it means. This gives me a chance to inform someone about Income Inequality, and how the 1% have bought the government and changed the rules to their favor.
Today I was asked 'Isn't Occupy over?'.
Nope, they are still active in many ways. The News doesn't report anything but if you search online, you'll find plenty of actions happening.
Here's some local NYC events: http://www.nycga.net/events/
Here's photos I took at small march on January 18, 2014 on the Fourth Aniversary of Citizens United.
The march started in Zuccotti Park. My friend Dan Kinch did a special Citizens United version of his play 'How To Stop the Empire While Keeping Your Day Job.'
More people spoke about the evils of Citizens United.
Then we visited local Wall Street businesses. First up was Goldman Sachs.
Then Bank Of America, followed by Chase Bank
Then the Fed.
Then Deusche Bank, followed by Citibank
And last but not least, Federal Hall, where George Washington was sworn is as first president.
Along the way we were escorted by several policemen on foot, and 3 vans, two with 8 police each and a van to hold arrestees, should any arrests happen. None did.
Also on hand were many dumbfounded tourists and local residents, who believe the national news and thought this protesting stuff was over.
More photos from this march on Facebook.