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What did we do before the internet?

I always had a camera with me, so when I saw something I wanted to remember, say a painting I really liked, I'd take a photo of it. (Most galleries wouldn't allow a flash, but had no problem with natural light.)

Here's a few paintings I liked and one of my all time favorites from the Joslyn Art museum in Omaha, NE.

Below we have 'The Rite of Spring' by William Bouguereau. He is a master at figure painting. Once when I was at the museum, the guard told me that this was the only painting at the museum under glass. One day a young man and his date had come to the museum, and the boy was so embarrassed by the painting, he threw a chair through it. They restored the painting and it's now protected from any future embarrassed young men.

Here's a LINK to a color photo of this painting.

Here's a LINK to a google image search for 'Bouguereau'. 


Posted on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 11:36PM by Registered CommenterOwen Long | CommentsPost a Comment

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