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Troublesome Creek, 1972

I was back home during a break at school, and went to check out Troublesome Creek, where I'd spent many many hours playing, swimming, fishing, iceskating, and more.

In this photo there's a new, low dam, replacing the old larger dam we used to play on and fish from. In the far upper right corner is the back of the drive in screen, where I worked for 4 years as a projectionist.



Posted on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 02:52AM by Registered CommenterOwen Long | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

Do you remember when Troublesome flooded and you could see the water from the sidewalk in front of our house looking north? I played there a few times; I wasn't supposed to play there at all. It was still natural and there were livestock bones poking out of the mud from an old slaughter house. I always thought they ruined it when they tamed it.
August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary
I remember the flood coming up to just short of 3rd street. Mom and I walked down to see the flood. She stopped me when I got too close saying there could be diseases in the water.

One morning mom wanted to show me something in the garage. She slid the door open to a solid wall of furniture; The back of a sofa; Several upholstered chairs; Other unknown things; From wall to wall and floor to ceiling. A neighbor from below 3rd street had moved it there during the night to avoid the flood. I remember how perfectly packed it was. And they did it in the dark, probably to car lights.

I played at the dam all the time. for many years. I hope I have photos of that dam. It was much more of a real dam then that little bump in the photo. There wasn't much of a lake behind it, but that's where we caught bluegill, carp and catfish.

I found a bone sticking out of the dirt on the riverbank, and dug up about a dozen cow femurs and some teeth, but before I found out that was the site of a long gone slaughter house, I was sure I'd found dinosaur bones.
August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOwen Long

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