Games In Education Symposium
I was in Schenectady NY recently for the 5th annual Games In Education Symposium. Gamification of education makes so much sense. Here's some photos I took over the 2 days I was there.
Tobi Saulnier, CEO of 1st Playable Productions, LLC, the symposium organizer, introduces the keynote speaker...
...Chris Haskell. He showed an online system to help teachers gamify their curriculum.
Peggy Sheehy (top left) and Lucas Gillispie (bottom right) dicussed how they use World of Warcraft in their classrooms.
Joel Levin talked about using Minecraft to teach computer skills to second graders. His 5 year old daughter built this igloo in Minecraft, which convinced him the game would work with his second grade students.
Later in a hands on lab, Joel helps symposium participants play in Minecraft. (And survive a real earthquake.)
I'm running a 5th grade Minecraft lunch club at the school where I work this fall. The symposium gave me many ideas to help make this club a success.
Also, while checking out the neighborhood, I found these interesting buildings that should be fun to reconstruct in Minecraft.
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