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New Orleans Christmas Eve Bonfires

In 2011, we went to New Orleans for Christmas. A friend from there told us to be sure and see the Bonfires  that are lit all along the Mississippi river levee on Christmas Eve. We couldn't find any information about them except for boat tours that were expensive but all sold out. Then while browsing an antique store I heard the owner talking about the bonfires. We had to drive West out of New Orleans about 40 miles. We stopped, found parking and walked to the levee. Here's the photos. 

We arrived about 2 hours before sundown to find out the bonfires wouldn't be lit till 9:00pm. Here you can see them all along the levee, looking a bit like Christmas trees. The Mississippi river is on the other side of the Levee.

This shot gives you the size of these bonfires. That size would be big.

This is a test shot I took to make sure I had the exposure settings right. I'm very happy with a digital camera's ability to shoot in near dark.

The crowd has been gathering for hours. The road along the levee is packed with traffic, moving only a few miles per hour.

Someone lights their bonfire 10 minutes early.


I love he smoke in this one. 

Here's the real money shots.

Here's the busy workers, behind the scene (levee) running back and forth lighting the fireworks.

Some of the bonfires were covered with firecrackers. Here's one exploding away.

Below is a video of the firecrackers being lit. The noise was so loud.

I loved that the crowd could get right up next to the bonfires. That would never be allowed in NYC.

If I'm ever in New Orleans on a Christmas Eve again, I'm heading out the the bonfires.



Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 03:53PM by Registered CommenterOwen Long | CommentsPost a Comment

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